Supplies and Out-Sourcing

Our Environmental Life Cycle Business Model Canvas definition of “Supplies and Out-Sourcing

In the Environmental Life Cycle Business Model Canvas, the procurement strategy for materials and outsourcing is of crucial importance. This involves the selection of suppliers and the outsourcing of tasks or areas to external service providers that are not considered core activities of the company.

Similar to the traditional business model canvas, a distinction is made here between core and non-core activities, with the former supporting the company’s competitive advantage. It is important to understand which tasks are unique to the organization and increase its value contribution, as well as which tasks are necessary but not unique.

The environmental impact of these activities should also be considered. For example, water or energy sources may be sourced from local utilities, which means limited organizational influence in these areas unless they take more control over these actions.

For effective planning and implementation, it is important to take a holistic view along the entire life cycle to achieve environmental sustainability goals. This includes analyzing the environmental impact of supplies and removals such as machinery and products in the use phase.

Download our free Environmental Life Cycle Business Model Canvas template in German or English to create your Environmental Life Cycle Business Model Canvas online. The Environmental Life Cycle Business Model Canvas Template is available in PowerPoint, PDF and Excel formats. Use the template to clearly present your business model and develop successful strategies for your business model.

Supplies and Out-Sourcing Environmental Life Cycle Business Model Canvas
Supplies and Out-Sourcing Environmental Life Cycle Business Model Canvas