An explanation of “Channels” in the Sustainable Business Model Canvas
The section “channels” of the sustainable business model canvas deals with the aspect of how customers are reached and how their customer journey progresses. The marketing and sales channels available to you include online options such as social media and websites as well as offline options such as television, newspapers and physical stores.
The customer journey is a key aspect when designing sales channels. This includes all contact points at which the customer comes into contact with your company and your product. It is important to understand where the customer becomes aware of your product, how they get to the point of purchase and how they behave after the purchase. By designing the customer journey and analyzing the various touchpoints, you will gain a deeper understanding of your customers and their behavior. This allows you to select and optimize sales channels to best reach customers and meet their needs throughout their buying process.
Use our free Business Model Canvas templates to list your sales channels and present your business model. The Business Model Canvas templates are available in German and English in PowerPoint, PDF or Excel format.