Eco-social Benefit

The Sustainable Business Model Canvas definition of “Eco-Social Benefits

The last area of a Sustainable Business Model Canvas identifies the environmental and social benefits associated with your business model, i.e. the positive impact on the environment and society. To complete this field, you consider direct and indirect positive effects.

It is important to identify and understand these benefits, as they can not only improve the company’s image and reputation, but can also promote the long-term success and sustainability of the business model. By promoting regional development and quality of life, a sustainable business model can drive local economic development, strengthen infrastructure and promote social inclusion.

In addition, a sustainable business model can help to raise awareness of environmental and social issues and improve public education on these topics.

Download our free Business Model Canvas template in German or English to create your sustainable business model canvas online. The sustainable business model canvas template is available in PowerPoint, PDF and Excel formats. Use the template to clearly present your business model and develop successful strategies for your business model.

Eco Social Benefits Sustainable Business Model Canvas
Eco Social Benefits Sustainable Business Model Canvas