Cost Structure

A simple explanation of the sustainable business model canvas of “Cost Structure

The section covers the various costs associated with the development, production and operation of your business model. Typically, the following costs are considered in this area:

  • Production costs: cost of materials, manufacturing and processing.
  • Operating costs: Ongoing costs of running the business, such as rent, electricity, insurance, salaries and other operational expenses.
  • Marketing and distribution costs: Costs for advertising, distribution and marketing of the product/services, including costs for marketing materials, campaigns and sales staff.
  • Technology and infrastructure costs: Costs for the use of technology and infrastructure, such as software licenses, IT infrastructure and server costs.

Do you need a business model canvas for your service? You can download our free business model canvas template in German and English to present your cost structure and business model. The template is available as a PowerPoint, PDF and Excel file. Download it and use it to visualize your business model clearly.

Cost Structure Sustainable Business Model Canvas
Cost Structure Sustainable Business Model Canvas